Bellydance basics with Shahravar

Wednesdays 6-7pm $15 per drop-in - $55 per month - $100 ten punch card You may pay for class in person with cash or with card at

We begin with simple warm-ups and then we move into posture and basic steps after a little time we will thread together a few steps into a combination. To finish the class we do a few cool down stretches. Arrive a few minutes early to park, register and settle in. Most people wear comfortable clothing like workout or yoga wear, we will be barefoot during class. If you have a scarf or sarong to tie around the hips to see alignment, you can bring that along.

email for info, private classes or group private classes

Shahravar Bellydance teacher with classes in Martinborough New Zealand
Shahravar Bellydance teacher with classes in Martinborough New Zealand

yoga with AJ

Sorry this class has is on hiatus. As you are Yoga with AJ

Mondays 10-11am

Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm

Arrive a few minutes early to park, register and settle in. Most people wear comfortable clothing like workout or your favorite yoga wear. If you have a yoga mat bring that along.

Yoga classes in Martinborough New Zealand
Yoga classes in Martinborough New Zealand
a dancer with a tattoo on her arm
a dancer with a tattoo on her arm


Dance & movement classes are one of the best
ways to ensure a healthy lifestyle at every age
and a great way to meet new friend circles.

Improving creative and critical thinking skills,
communication and cooperation skills, teaches
teamwork, creative collaboration.

This promotes confidence, self esteem,
personal expression and flexibility of the body
and mind.